»In Dublin’s fair city …«

Von 16. bis 23. März verbrachten die 13 Schüler/innen des besonders musikalischen Zweiges des BORG Krems mit ihren Begleitlehrern Mag. Peter Dirr und Mag.a Agnes Frittum eine aufregende Sprachreise in Dublin, Irland.

Die Jugendlichen waren bei Gastfamilien untergebracht, und neben vier Tagen Schulbesuch in der Horner School of English wurden viele Aktivitäten unternommen. Irische Kulturschätze, wie das Trinity College, die Powerscourt Gardens und Glendalough wurden besichtigt. Bei einer selbst gestalteten Guide-Tour, bei der jede/r SchülerIn eine bekannte Sehenswürdigkeit Dublins vorstellte, wurde die Hauptstadt erkundet und ihre Geschichte besser kennengelernt.

Auch für Freizeitaktivitäten, wie Bowling und einen Besuch der Greyhound Races, blieb Zeit. Der einzige Wermutstropfen war, im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes, das durchgehend schlechte Wetter; doch auch dieses konnte die tolle Reise nicht trüben.

Lisa Wagner said, »The host-family was really kind and they really cared about Verena and me.«

»Verena Fürnsinn was a bit worried in the beginning. Will I understand their accent?«, she said, but then she could tell, » I’m glad my sorrows were absolute unfounded, because Kathi and I had such a helpful, courteous host-family and lovely young host-sisters.«

»The Irish are very helpful and kind people, so if you are lost, don’t hesitate to ask for the way, they will do the best to tell you which direction to go.« – Raphael Schuster

» The weeks programme (sight-seeing included) was a full success, in other words it was very interesting and great fun!« - Hannes Kühtreiber

»My highlights were the heavy rain ( I really love rain), the Greyhound race and bowling.« – Kathi Kral

»Ireland is a beautiful country with a great landscape and lovely people.« – Johannes Zeiler

»The houses look very nice because every house is the same.«, Thomas Pabisch said and Verena Bauer means, ”I really love the colourful Georgian doors in the streets, they make the streets look friendlier.«

Leopold Unterweger is sure, »I think there has never been a week before, I ate this much and unhealthy food.«

»It was a pity that the weather was really bad, but we made our days with singing everywhere – whether on the bus, in the streets or in a church.« – Nora Auferbauer

»Although the weather could have been better (it rained almost everyday), we got to know Dublin city as well as the beautiful Irish landscape, which is very impressive.«, is Anna Simlinger’s opinion.

»I’ve never - NEVER - been on a trip like this before. Despite all kinds of precipice (rain, snow, hail, slush, you name them) coming down on us ALL the time, the general mood was simply great. No complaints whatsoever, singing in odd locations (streets, bus stops, and churches), open to all kinds of teachers’ pranks … you name them. Thank you 7A. A big Thank You also to Miss F. (Agnes) for her good ideas on how to weather the weather, her tour guide capacities and her adaptability to odd and unlooked-for situations.” – Mr. D (Peter)

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BORG Krems

Heinemannstraße 12,
3500 Krems/Donau

Sekretariat: 02732 82313
(von 7:00 bis 15:00 Uhr)
Konferenzzimmer: 02732 82313 15
EMail: direktion@borg-krems.ac.at

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